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Text: ACD Tas Client Service Charter  Image: wooden scales with dice on either side

This Client Service Charter outlines your rights, how you will be treated and what you can expect from us. It also sets out your responsibilities and how you can give us feedback on any aspect of our service. Clients will be made aware of this Charter upon contracting or accessing The Association for Children with Disability Tasmania Inc. services.

About us

The Association for Children with Disability Tasmania Inc. is a Tasmanian peer-led family Organisation better known as ACD Tas. ACD Tas works to inform and empower parents and carers of children with disability and youth with disability with needed information, advocacy, consultation and training, case coordination and peer assistance, to address inclusion and participation issues and improve life outcomes.

Our services are free with the exception of case coordination (NDIS Support Coordination), which is a plan funded fee for service option available for children or young people Participants of the NDIS and their parents, carers, guardians.

We are an incorporated not-for-profit member organisation registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). Our staff are skilled and experienced and a majority, including our Board, are people with disability, or family carers or parents of children with disability. Founded in 1997, ACD Tas began as a support group for parents with children with disability.

You can find more information about our services on our website or by asking one of our staff or Board volunteers.

Our staff mainly work out of offices in Hobart, Devonport and Newstead in Tasmania. Our Head office is based in Hobart at Level 3, 168 Collins Street, Hobart and is open during business hours five days a week.

You can phone ACD Tas for assistance on 1800 244 742 or email us.

A good example of the information we provide is the ACD Tas Facebook page you can also visit the ACD Tas Finding Your Way website.

Our VISION is that people with disability, their families and carers have equal opportunity to reach their potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Our MISSION is to provide community leadership and quality service options that empowers participation in society and improves the life outcomes of children and young people with disability, their families and carers.

Our commitment to you

ACD Tas is committed to achieving our mission and vision alongside you and providing you with the highest quality services. We value you and will work alongside you with your consent.

What you can expect from us

When you are in contact with our organisation, we will:

  • Welcome your contact and listen to you
  • Treat you with respect at all times
  • Treat you fairly and without discrimination
  • Work within the fundamental principle that the rights and interests of the child or young person with disability are upheld at all times.
  • Provide you with sufficient information about the service and its terms of use
  • Inform you of your rights and responsibilities
  • Provide a safe and healthy environment within the service and their facilities
  • Respect your privacy and confidentiality
  • Ensure you don’t face physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse
  • Identify and respond to your values and beliefs if and when directed to do so by you
  • Protect your personal information and only use it for the right reasons
  • Involve you in decisions about the services you access and engage with and support you to have a say on matters that have a direct impact on you and your family
  • Support you to connect with other services if needed
  • Support and encourage your connection to a Professional Advocacy service when you need assistance to address specific inclusion and participation issues being experienced in any environment
  • Tell you how to provide us with feedback on our service and how to make a complaint
  • Ensure your complaints are dealt with fairly and promptly
How you can help us

You help us provide a quality service if you:

  • Provide us with complete and accurate information about yourself, your child/ren with disability and your situation
  • Provide us with your consent to work with you
  • Are involved in making decisions about the actions we will take
  • Tell us if things change or you cannot keep an appointment or commitment
  • Act respectfully and safely towards other people using the service, and towards staff and volunteers
  • Provide us with feedback about our service and how we can work better
How you can provide feedback

We value your feedback on a positive experience you have had with us or how we can improve ACD Tas services.

We also want to know if you are not happy with the service you have received or believe you have not been treated fairly and reasonably by us or by someone delivering services on our behalf.

You can give us this feedback by:

How we manage complaints

We want to resolve complaints openly, honestly and quickly.

We will acknowledge your complaint and initially respond within 24 hours.

If you are not satisfied with our resolution of your complaint, you are encouraged to contact an independent body such as the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by calling 1800 035 544.

How you can participate in your services

We require our clients to participate in, and exercise choice over service decisions.

We will ensure you are aware of and understand the services we provide and your available options.

We are committed to supporting clients to make informed choices and participate in decisions by using interpreters, advocates, written materials in a variety of community languages, and culturally appropriate service strategies, where needed.