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Text: Board of Management  Image: Yellow and green pawns

ACD Tas has a nine-member Board of Management. Board Members are all volunteers and are selected for the skills and knowledge they can bring to ACD Tas following a Board of Management skills assessment and recruitment process.

At least 50% of the members of the Board of Management are parents, carers or family members of children and young people with disability or disabling conditions.

The ACD Tas Board of Management meets at least nine times each year and undertakes governance work as required, by reference to the standing board calendar.

The current ACD Tas Board of Management is led by Amanda Ashworth, ACD Tas President.

Please click on the individual’s name to view their profile:

Governance Structure

Get on Board

ACD Tas is a Tasmanian Not-For-Profit Family Organisation, which is peer-led and provides information, advocacy, consultation and training, case coordination and peer support.

Our mission is to provide community leadership and quality service options that empower participation in society and improve the life outcomes of children and young people with disability, their families and carers.

Our vision is that people with disability, their families and carers have equal opportunity to reach their potential and lead fulfilling lives.

The ACD Tas support model empowers families to achieve self-defined goals and overcome barriers to the pursuit of their personal life choices. This family-led approach is embedded in our constitution, governance and operational practice.

A majority of ACD Tas Board members and staff are parents or carers of children with disability.

If you share our vision and want to be part of a dedicated and skilled team that is determined to progress the mission, strategies and goals of the Association, we invite you to express an interest in volunteering your time and expertise as a Board of Management member.

The Board of Management has designated that people with any of the following skill sets may apply:

  • Legal, Marketing, ICT, Business accounting, economics and/or finance.
  • disability sector experience
  • family members of people with disability

As a peer-led organisation, we highly value parents and carers and other family members and people with lived disability experience.

To receive more information about Board of Management expressions of interest please contact our CEO, Caroline Pegg via email or call 03 6231 2466.