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Text: Together we can achieve so much! Become an ACD Tas Member  Image: Family of four walking under umbrellas

There are many benefits of being a member of ACD Tas including:

PEPTalk Magazine
PEPTalk is a Parents Empowering Parents (PEP) grassroots community effort. ACD Tas, through PEPTalk, celebrates and promotes the excellent work and achievements of many in our community working toward the vision of, people with disability, their families and carers (guardians) having equal opportunity to reach their potential and lead fulfilling lives. PEPTalk is published three times per year.

Finding Your Way Website
The website is an all-abilities website that will assist Tasmanians to engage with needed community services and support.

Peer Support
ACD Tas facilitates MyTime groups across the state and runs Peer Support network activities.

Resource & Toy Library
ACD Tas has a Resource Library with a variety of books, toys and games. It is based at the Hobart office but is available for loan to members state-wide.

ACD Tas alone or in partnership holds events to increase community awareness build community capacity, and provide social opportunities for children with disability.

Systemic Advocacy Representation
ACD Tas keeps up to date with current issues impacting children with disability and their families by collecting relevant data from each Advocacy contact. ACD Tas represents members by providing a strong voice across the community.

Organisational Membership
Organisation members gain priority for advertising and promotion for free or low-cost events and services in PEPTalk, Social Media and on the Finding Your Way Website.

Become a member of ACD Tas and enjoy a range of benefits including access to PEPTalk Magazine, monthly update newsletters,  our Book, Resource & Toy Library, and exclusive events.

Join now for a stronger voice and community connection, while helping ACD Tas to continue our important work providing support options across our beautiful state.

 ACD Tas also offers Organisational Membership with priority for advertising and promotion.

To join complete the below online form. You can also download, complete and print the PDF Membership Form and return it via email or post to ACD Tas.